so the other day, facebook news feed was flooded with this malay movie entitled ombak rindu. i swear, almost everyone was talking about how sad this movie really is. and being like any other typical human being, i was really curious as to what this ombak rindu movie is all about. and since i really got nothing much in particular to do that night, i went online searching for this ombak rindu. before playing them, i told myself that i should probably watch only one third of the movie since it was already past 4am that night and thought that sleeping at 6am would rather be far too late for me. the duration of the movie is two hours by the way and not even one third covered, i was already crying tears of blood. yes. it was that good i swear. of course, you wouldn't cry if you're able to control your emotions but being me, who is extremely sensitive, i cried almost throughout the whole movie. yes, i ignored the time and watched it till the end. but how can you stop on a good movie when all you wanna know is how the ending like kan? haha. so i watched and cried like as though the world was about to end and mind you, instead of using a tissue, i used my bath towel to wipe off my tears ehh. HAHA. i know. sungguh tidak perlu. but i couldn't help it if i'm too emotionally sensitive sometimes you know! heheh.
oh well, it was a good heart breaking romantic love story indeed and i suggest for those who feels like having a good cry on a movie, ombak rindu is highly recommended. no regrets. heheh. anyway, i'm just done crying for the second time now (yes, i watched them again) before blogging and probably should head for bed now since my eyelids are pretty tired from crying. goodnight all. (: